Beth L Barnett

I am a native mid-westerner but graduated of Mills College in Oakland CA, Am an x-ray technologist and have sold major x-ray equipment internationally. Now write novels and blog for fun. Member of Kansas City Writers Group and KC Ebooks. Love all kinds of movies, dining out, cooking in, reading, certain causes (environmental, animals and women), politics, bridge, friends, and family.


Winning Writers has chosen Adam’s Needle a finalist in the North Street Book Prize competition. The story of incest, murder, adultery, neo-nazi white supremacists, brilliant professors, green agriculture, corrupt police, corrupt preachers, ugly right wing conservatism, gross ignorance, wild women,… Continue reading


Whew! The game Friday night between our Kansas City Royals and the Toronto Blue Jays was a cracker jack. We were at home sweating it out. I get so nervous when the Royals are behind, I have to switch channels.… Continue reading


Whew! The game Friday night between our Kansas City Royals and the Toronto Blue Jays was a cracker jack. We were at home sweating it out. I get so nervous when the Royals are behind, I have to switch channels.… Continue reading


Every family has favorite dinners. Ours is lobster and artichoke. Both are an acquired tastes, so it is really important to start em young.

Andy came to visit from Massachusetts this week. He brought enough one and one-half pound lobster… Continue reading


New data was released last month detailing the tremendous impact repeated sweeps have had on funding for children’s programs since 1999. The KEY Fund, which would have a balance of approximately $200 million had all funding promises been honored, will… Continue reading